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Legal information

This website belongs to:

BRL, "Société Anonyme d’Économie Mixte Locale". Registered capital €29 588 779,48. Trade registration number RCS Nîmes B 550 200 661. Registered office: 1105, avenue Pierre Mendès France, BP 4001, 30001 Nîmes Cedex 5, France. Telephone : +33 (0) 466 87 50 00.

BRL is the publisher.

This website is registered with the CNIL (Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés), the French national commission for data protection. Registration numbers:
  • BRL (parent compagny): 1307304 
  • BRL Espaces Naturels: 1307301 
  • BRL Exploitation: 1307291 
  • BRL Ingénierie: 1307296

Publication editor : Jean-François BLANCHET.

Organisation and updating : BRL Group Communication department.

Technical production : KIC Informatique et Communication, BRL Communication department, A. REY.

Graphic design : Clapotis.

Hosting : The website is hosted by BRL (parent company, group holding company), 1105 avenue Pierre Mendès France, BP 94001, 30001 NIMES Cedex 5, France.